Have you ever asked yourself how you could actually regain a better self-image, regain the power, control, and mastering of your OWN life path instead of pleasing others, or being overwhelmed with emotions?
Are you curious to see what would happen if you could just for a second talk to this 5-year-old you? And how by doing this it could help you get better at what you do?
I create a caring and kind environment where you are being seen and understood, where your emotions and feelings can be validated. As this safe and secure environment is set we will then, co-creatively find a way to get you back on your life path.
As a Child Whisperer, and a conversational and creative hypnosis-practitioner or Generative Trance Healer, I facilitate connections for 1/Parents and their inner child, so as to become their own kind inner parents, then, be the example that children need in order to become who they truly are.
2/Adults on a quest for well-being,​
3/ young adults struggling with their self-image or confidence,
4/ young children with difficulties to communicate or express their inner world to their parents
and so much more...
I also co-creatively help adults with post-traumatic stress disorders due to toxic relationships with Narcissistic Manipulators, to gain self-confidence and self-esteem to get back on their paths and become positive and conscious parents to their children.
I also use my own experiences, through storytelling to help parents, educators, or anyone in charge of children, understand how to implement the prevention of sexual abuse on minors and how to create teachable moments and a safe environment.
Belgian from birth, I have been living and traveling in different continents surrounded by different cultures.
Mother of three, grandmother of one, an early childhood educator but also a nurse, traveler, Montessori teacher, comedian, Generative Trance Healer, Conversational Hypnosis-practitioner, business owner, I am a self-learner, and life is my school.
Speaker, educator, and presenter of Masterclasses I help adults and children to gain more insights on how to stand up and walk their path of life, in other words, go on a Hero's Journey.
Love is the productive form of relatedness to others and to oneself. It implies responsibility, care, respect, and knowledge, and the wish for the other person to grow and develop. It is the expression of intimacy between two human beings under the condition of the preservation of each other's integrity.